This marks the 25th installment of Humans of Hyde Park! To commemorate this milestone we’re featuring a photo round-up of community events and efforts that have come to bolster us during the past few months while embodying the mission of KHPB. It speaks to the strength and resilience of Hyde Park residents, and we hope that it offers encouragement to see creative ways to continue to connect as we welcome 2021 and beyond. 1. Litter Clean-Ups - There were a number of litter clean-ups whether by groups or individuals taking it upon themselves to grab a bag and tools and get to work. The Green Team made it out over the summer for socially distanced clean-ups. We really appreciated their energy and commitment to keeping our community beautiful! 2. Holiday Toy Drives - Part of keeping our community beautiful is also taking care of each other and efforts led by neighbor Michale P. Fagone and Shaw's manager and neighbor April Ricci to benefit Toys for Tots brought joy to so many children. 3. Eagle Scout Bike Drive - When neighbor and Eagle Scout Dara Concagh posted to the Hyde Park Neighbors Facebook page about his bike drive project in the spirt of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, neighbors rallied together to donate their bikes. Bikes have been in high demand in the midst of the pandemic and the community's response was proof that we really know how to step in and fill a need! 4. Hyde Park Little Free Libraries - With our local library branch having to change service, many neighbors came to rely on our Little Free Libraries sprinkled throughout the community. One resident, Jesse Farren-James, did a phenomenal job keeping them stocked and alerting the community when they were replenished. This was and continues to be a great way for neighbors to share their books within the community as a commitment to reuse. 5. Hyde Park Mobile Testing Site - Keeping our neighbors healthy is important and we are grateful for neighbor Jen Gaman and others' efforts to speak up and amplify the need for a mobile testing site in our community. This will enable us to continue to stay healthy especially as we head into 2021 and stay committed to keeping Hyde Park Beautiful.
_________________________________________________________ Nominate yourself or someone in the community for a Humans of Hyde Park story; nominees can remain anonymous in the story or use their first name only if they prefer:
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AuthorQuiana first came to Boston as a college student, graduating from Wellesley College in 2002 and returned in 2016 to live in Hyde Park with her husband and two children. Archives
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